Our training facility is located in Littleton CO, and we tend to do some cool stuff around here with all the climbing, ropes,  snowcats, ATV's and snowmobiles.  But we are not the only ones to have a bit of excitement, and we happen to have...

To All Our Friends, Family and Colleagues: Season Greetings, Merry Christmas, Noel, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Sung Tan Chuk Ha, Bada Din Mubarak Ho, Froehliche Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto, Srozhdestovm Kristovim, Chuc Mung Giang Sinh, God Jul, Natale hilare,  Buone Feste...