Safety One Training International is the industry leader for at-height fall protection, safety & rescue and backcountry snowcat operation training. Our team is focused on equipping professionals who work in hazardous environments with skills, techniques, knowledge and products to stay safe and productive. Based in Littleton, Colorado we are looking for an individual who shares our passion for solving fall protection equipment needs for our students and customers.
Safety one is committed to providing a non-discriminatory employment environment for its applicants and employees. We ensure equal opportunities for qualified applicants and employees regardless of minority, gender, disability, or veteran status.
This is an application for employment with Safetyone Training Inc. Employment is at will and may be terminated at any time for any reason by either the employer or employee. “Submission of an application does not guarantee a job interview”.
All questions must be answered carefully and completely. Please TYPE or PRINT clearly. This application must be completed and signed personally by the applicant. If any information is missing, your application may be rejected. If an answer is NO or NONE, indicate the same. We appreciate your interest in our company
Safetyone Training Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any applicant or employee on any grounds protected under federal, state, or local law. Those applicants requiring reasonable accommodation in the application and/or interview process should notify a representative of the Human Resources Department.
Please include previous temporary and permanent addresses covering the last ten (10) years. Use text area below if necessary.
List three (3) references other than family or friends.
By my digital signature below, I affirm that the information provided in this employment application (and in any related documents or interview) is true and complete. I understand that any false or misleading information or significant omissions may disqualify me from further consideration for employment, and may lead to my dismissal from employment, if discovered later.
“Submission of an application does not guarantee a job interview”. I understand that if I receive a conditional offer of employment, I will be required to successfully complete a pre-employment physical, substance abuse screening and background investigation prior to beginning work. Furthermore, Safetyone Training Inc may conduct random substance abuse screening at its discretion. I agree to submit to such testing if required.
I expressly authorize investigation by Safetyone Training Inc., its agents and representatives of all statements, references, and information provided in this application (or in any related documents or interview). Such investigation may include but is not limited to my express authorization for Safetyone Training Inc. to contact any person, school, current or prior employer named in this form (or in any related documents or interview) in connection with my application unless I have specifically excluded my permission to contact the same.
I understand that this application does not create a contract for employment. I understand that, if hired, I am obliged to comply with all current and subsequently adopted company policies. I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is for no definite period and may be terminated at any time, at the will of either party with or without cause and with or without prior notice.