Student to Instructor Ratio: Striking the Perfect Balance

Student to Instructor Ratio: Striking the Perfect Balance

An important factor to consider when selecting your training institute is the student to instructor ratio. This easily manipulated and often overlooked component of a class can make a considerable difference in the value of the class, and the quality of the education received by the students.

Something as seemingly insignificant as the number of students participating in a class and how many instructors are involved is something we strongly suggest taking into consideration.

Safety First

The first trade off to consider is the safety of students during training, and for the remainder of their certification period and employment in your organization. Sacrificing individual attention comes with significant risk when dealing with adult students in a hazardous environment.

This is something we take very seriously at Safety One Training, and we are not willing to sacrifice the quality of our classes in order to manipulate the student to instructor ratio. Furthermore, instructors at Safety One take very seriously the safety of your employees, both while they are our responsibility, and for the extent of which they are utilizing the training we have provided. We recognize that a few moments of neglect or miss-information during a class could result in significant consequences for both the student, and those around them.

Individual Attention

We take very seriously our promise of a maximum of 8:1 student to instructor ratio (1:8 teacher to student ratio). We have found this to be the maximum number of students that one instructor can really focus their complete attention on, both in classroom instruction as well as practical skills training.

Peer Learning

While a lesser ratio would provide more opportunity for individual instruction, it tends to reduce the amount of peer learning and can negatively affect the group dynamics as well as failing to build successful interpersonal communication. Part of a successful work environment is the ability of your employees to work well with others, and function successfully in a group dynamic. Removing group activity from the learning environment does not create as successful of a training experience.


Additionally, an important part of the training process is repetition of practical skills in a safe, controlled manner. This is only possible with few enough students to allow for the necessary repetitions, as well as enough oversight by qualified personnel to assure the safety of all of those involved.

A surplus of students, or a shortage of oversight by qualified instructors can result in a reduced amount of repetition, which is important when discussing hands-on practical application of skills for workers who work in potentially dangerous situations.

At Safety One Training, we are simply not willing to sacrifice the safety or knowledge potential of your students in order to pack more students into a class, and risk a negative impact to the level of training received by the students. The training we provide is simply too important to risk sacrificing quality.

Contact Safety One for More Information 
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (800) 485-7669
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Safety One Training is a top-rated provider of fall protection training, snowcat/extreme-weather condition training, and safety & survival equipment. If you have any further questions regarding the training courses we provide, click here to contact us or give us a call at +1 (800) 485-7669.

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